Welcome to Paradise City.
You might think you’ve never been here before. You’ve never been anywhere else. Look around. See the crowded streets and the desperate faces.
Familiar yet?
Don’t worry, it’ll all come flooding back and when it does, you’ll wish it hadn’t. You’ll be looking for a recharge on your dream chip soon enough. Who’d you steal from, or fuck, or kill, to get your last one anyway? A quality recharge makes gold look as common as misery now and why wouldn’t it? We’re all subject to the whims of the Vast And Beneficent Overlord, and becoming a Dreamer is about the only way to forget that fact. Hopping on to the Matrix makes a piss-poor substitute for the full Dream experience, but plenty do it anyway.
The Vast And Beneficent Overlord? There’s no getting away from his influence, though who – or what – he is… well, everyone you ask will have a different answer. A crackpot dictator with more power than God? An actual God? A cosmic space alien from Andromeda, or an all-seeing AI? You tell me.
And who am I, you wonder? I’m a voice in your head. I’m your guide. Follow me and you just might get through this… at least long enough to get your next dream fix.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 07/12/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License