Hosted and currently narrated by:
Hosted by:
Stephan Deemer
Based on the world: “Urban Fantasy” by
World type: Open
In this city, carved up by vampires, werewolves, and wizards, everyone gets dirty. Whatever you want, you’ve got to go through someone to get it. That means choosing friends and that means making enemies. Just hope you get out of this life without becoming a ghost — because no one wants to linger in this city that long. This modern fantasy deck depicts a gritty cast of characters in a hard-luck city in need of help.
Collaboration style:
License: Community License
Host’s rules: none specified
Info for invitees and applicants: none specified
Card settings:
Word limits: unlimited player /
unlimited narrator
This game completed Invalid date.
It started 03/06/2015
This game started 10 years ago
and has
998 words,
1 scene,
11 moves,
and 0 comments.