“-to smite my foes and wreck havoc on my enemies, I draw upon your power! I bind thee to my will, great demon, Lord of Devils and Prince among Thieves! I bind thee to serve me until thy task is completed or some predetermined and agreed-upon duration passes, in accordance with the laws governing the summoning of extraplanar creatures, article ten, subsection thirty-four. Denizen of the underworld, I summon thee!”
It was weird. One minute, you were minding your own business, the next, some weird voice was ringing in your ears and you were being pulled through the planes and the multiverse to land in front of a cozy campfire on a world that looks a lot like your home.
And you’re not the only one. There’s a few of you and it seems you have one thing in common: you’re all named Caleb.
Hosted and narrated by:
Py (Pyrria)
Started 07/27/18.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License