Surprise surprise! You’ve inherited a vacation spot from your relative who you’ve never met. Little do you know that you may be on the way to a bad end.
For people who enjoy the film”Cabin in the Woods”, know that we can have five or more people, but each must have a bit of the stereotype(at least partially) from horror films. Scholar, Fool, Virgin, Whore and Athlete. Remember its just a side thing. All of these can be male or female, however you want them to be, so don’t shortchange yourself! Characters may die along the way, but thats just part of the horror film style!
This is my first time narrating, but this will not be following the exact storyline of the film(you’ll be picking your own monsters and paths(and people other than the Virgin don’t have to die in a specific order)so enjoy!
Hosted and narrated by:
Patrick William (johnnytable)
Started 06/12/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License