In the year 2015, a new faction crept into headlines across the world. They called themselves C.L.O.A.K. -Centralized Logistics Organized Against Ksarrus. They claimed that their primary purpose was to defend the Earth against invasion from alien lifeforms - The Ksarrus. Shortly after forming, it soon became clear that they considered themselves to be an agency for containing international affairs, as well as the only organization prepared to defend the planet against external invasion.
At first, it appeared as if they knew something that the rest of humanity didn’t. They were not a part of any existing government, they did not seem prepared to follow any existing laws, and no one was quite sure where their funding came from. Worst of all, their equipment, public statements, and military movements all looked as if they were preparing for an imminent invasion - but they refused to provide proof of alien activity. They wouldn’t even show evidence that the Ksarrus existed.
Three years passed, and C.L.O.A.K. became a powerful military force with no government to answer to. They solved problems in their own way, dealing out justice of their own accord. From the perspective of the United Nations, it looked as if C.L.O.A.K. was acting as judge, jury, and executioner. They were outside of anyone’s control.
Before five years had passed, C.L.O.A.K. was labeled a terrorist organization. Countries from across the world drew together to eliminate C.L.O.A.K., and in the year 2020, World War 3 began. The war was small in comparison to its two predecessors. It was a war fought with elite strike teams, with bribes, and with blackmail over the darkest of secrets. It was a war out of sight, out of mind, behind the scenes; there was no open combat, no widespread destruction, and the public was hardly aware it even took place.
By the year 2023, C.L.O.A.K.’s advanced technology allowed their strike teams to become the dominating force. Another two longs years of skirmishes happened before, in 2025, World War 3 ended. C.L.O.A.K. had been victorious, and with their new-found status as a legitimate organization, they began to change the world.
For the first time in its history, the planet came together to declare a singular global currency - credits - and a global language - English. C.L.O.A.K. allowed many of the countries to retain their preexisting leadership and state of independence. Overtime, the organization guided the nations of the world into working together to create economic stability, under a unified Earth.
It is now the year 2030, five years after World War 3. Earth is in a global boom, but there are still those who fight for independence. There are those who do not want equality, who do not want unity, and who do not want to live under the rule of C.L.O.A.K.
You are a member of C.L.O.A.K.’s elite military strike teams. Your duty, as one of the most well trained humans on the planet, is to serve as an international police force; your mission, to eliminate those who would threaten unity - who would threaten peace.
And, as you have so consistently heard from your superiors - to always be prepared for the impending Ksarrus invasion.
Out of Character Information
Hello everyone! In this section I’ll give you a brief overview of what to expect, and some ground rules going into our story.
The players of this story will consist of two strike teams, or squads, that have been paired together. Foxtrot is a primary squad filled with more experienced C.L.O.A.K. members, while Tango is a secondary, more support based squad with slightly newer members. I’m looking for six players - one of each of the nature cards I created.
Each squad will have a leader that is an npc, controlled by me. While Storium is built around combined storytelling, I tend to be a control freak about plot and non-player characters that I introduce. I am open to discussion about ideas for introducing characters from your player character’s past, but I’d prefer you to ask before just taking control.
My experiences with Storium over the past month, and roleplaying in general, suggest that many players are prone to dropping out after a week or two. If that happens, I understand. The characters will become npcs, or be dealt with in a way fitting to the story. Then, if a total of three players drop, I shall re-open for invites, to fill another squad. Hopefully, through this process, we will be able to keep going at a decent pace with a minimum of three players.
As I’ve said, I’m looking for six characters, one of each of the nature cards I have created. So, keep that in mind when making a character, . In order to accept the best characters, I may ask some of you to change your nature card, if, that is, people accidentally double up. I apologize in advance for making you do this.
For Strengths and weaknesses (as well as sub-plots), feel free to create your own. From the start, I will give you an item card that plays off of your natures strength, so you do not need to make your strength card based off of that. Example: If you choose the medic, your strength does not need to be medical knowledge - I will give you another card for that. It should be another strength, unique to your character, such as a strong personality type.
It should also be noted that every single character is trained in combat. These are the best soldiers. Your nature, and roll in the squad, is just your specialty. So even the medic and tech savvy squad members know their way around a gun, understand tactics, and may be one of the best in the world at some sort of melee combat. They’re not just nurses and computer nerds recruited to follow soldiers around.
I would prefer posts to be in third person-past tense, with a goal of one to two scenes per week. If something comes up that will slow your posting speed, just let me know, and we’ll plan around it.
This is getting a little long, so I’m going to wrap it up. If you have any questions I failed to answer here, or want some help planning out a character, feel free to email me at . I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible, and I look forward to playing with you.
P.S. If it looks full, or someone has submitted a character for a slot you want but hasn’t been accepted yet, feel free to submit one. You may get the role if I haven’t decided who I want, yet, or you may serve as a “wait-listed” back up for if/when someone drops.
Hosted and narrated by:
Brett Lundquist (Exmondias)
Started 06/09/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License