(Important: This is my first time as a Narrator, so please I’m asking you to be patient with me. That said I hope we can all have a great time together.)
It’s the height of the Jazz Age. The height of Prohibition. The Right Honorable Order of Thaumaturges reigns with weird inventions over an America gone strange, where masonry-domed city-states hunker amid poisoned wastelands and munitions factories. Where handsome women and beautiful men swill bootleg liquor in smoky speakeasies. Where strange vehicles lurch through the streets, creators toil in basements over diabolical inventions, and the skies are full of all manner of bizarre and wonderful flying machines. Where freaks of nature, a product of experiments or contamination, roam the streets and roads trying to find a home. Where mesmerists and occultists conspire in the dark to survive or become gods. Where ghosts and other supernatural beings haunt the dark corners of the world. Where vigilantes patrol the streets fighting criminals and other darker creaures. Where regular people try to live their lives in a bizarre world…
On the fabled Island of Manhattan, in the besieged city of Gotham, a corrupt bureaucracy rules over scandalous poets, secretive scientists, and a few ethical women and men.
Gotham is going through some interesting times, to say the least. A crime wave has shocked the city to its core as the mob boss Michael “Red Cap” Donovan is trying to depose the current kingpin, Susan “Silver Lady” Capriotti while Lo Pang “Jade Tiger” conspires in the shadows. The streets run red with blood and the police are powerless to stop it. All manner of evil individuals and monstrous creatures have used the chaos for their nefarious ends.
Just when it looked like all hope was lost masked vigilantes like Narcissus and The Gueist have appeared to try and hold back the tide of darkness. For the first time in years, people are starting to have hope again and all manner of individuals, ordinary and extraordinary, have joined the fight. Interesting times indeed.
Our story begins when your characters are invited (I left to you why they have been invited) to the Onyx Crown Club, where an auction is about to be held for the Sky Jewel, a precious stone worth millions. Everyone who’s someone in the city is going to be there. Of course, when so much money and power are concentrated in one place things rarely go according to plan…
Hosted and narrated by:
Fernando Autran (Firanai)
Started 12/12/17.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License