“Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.”
You’ve read those words a hundred times, at least. Maybe more. You just never thought they’d apply to you.
It sounded fun, back then. A grand adventure, never knowing if you were going to spend the day in this mundane world, or reliving an exciting moment in history. (Never mind that Billy Pilgrim probably hated it; you always thought he was a bit of a limp dishrag, anyway.)
Now you’re stuck in the same boat.
One day, you were living your life. Complacent, comfortable, and if not happy, at least accepting. The next, you’re god-knows-where, doing god-knows-what, and stuck with god-knows-who.
Worst of all, it keeps happening.
No warning, no seemingly visible trigger. A blink of the eye and you’ve traveled the length of the multiverse and landed in some alternate reality with no way out and no idea how long you’re going to be there.
You’re beginning to sympathize with Billy Pilgrim.
Your character should be involved in the 2020 Summer Olympics (Tokyo) in some capacity. Journalist, reporter, photographer, judge, hospitality or athlete. Please note that in your character bio.
Hosted and narrated by:
Felix (AFABulousBoy)
Started 04/18/16.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License