A month and a half worth of journey by foot from Grizzlewood, miles south of the Bay of Flin, and beyond an endless stretch of golden sand called the Gambi desert, sits the great city of Beli.
The dazzling end-point of many of the significant trans-Gambi trade routes, Beli has been an international hub of commerce, culture, natural resources, and cuisine since its early days.
Amorak Amu, better known as Oso Musa The Fourteenth, transformed Beli and so many other southern villages from a string of dusty trading towns to a bright, bustling metropolitan empire known as the Osomin Impara(The Oso’s Empire.)
The nation thrived, and then he died from a sparring accident, and his son Jamur was crowned Oso Musa The Fifteenth and inherited the throne and control over the expanding territory.
As a young prince, Jamur had traveled much of the lands north of the desert and grew curious about what was west of the known world, and set sail with 50 of his best soldiers.
Jamur tasked his brother, Jabril, with watching over the growing desert empire while he searched the unknown.
Ten years later, the city is lit like a desert jewel as people celebrate in memory of Jamur and his father’s legacy. Even the palace was adorned with festive banners, flowers, incense, and perfumes. Filled with royals, commoners, and foreigners alike.
“Jabril,” Someone’s voice croaked from the dancing mass in the palace’s eastern courtyard, “Someone’s hurt Jabril!”
The sea of people parted, and everyone could see their king’s brother sprawled out in a pool of his blood. Someone had lodged an ornate dagger in his chest.
The dagger’s hilt was made of pure ivory and carved into the upper half of a muscular addax; the symbol of the nomadic elves who inhabit the Gambi.
Hosted and narrated by:
Marten St Martin (MrtnSaintMartin)
Started 12/30/21.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License