Spread all throughout the roiling bowels of the interwebs lurks the most hated of all netizens. More despised than the worst internet trolls, inspiring more rage than gifs of cats being kicked, and displaying more self aggrandizing behavior than the average tumblr user is the Mary Sue, or Gary Stu.
Several of these loathsome examples of creativity have been lured to the prestigious A.I.M.S Institute (Academy for the Isolation of Mary Sues) to participate in a battle royale. Combat will be conducted in a state of the art simulation room, with the best participant of each round receiving fabulous prizes, and one being eliminated each round.
Game Overview
This is a tongue in cheek Survivor style PVP game taking place in an internet setting. Please don’t get your panties in a knot if anything offends you. Combat rounds will have a single challenge with a large number of challenge points, but cardless posts are highly encouraged. A combat round will end when all points are filled. If a combat round is completed with a weak outcome, the player who played the last weak card in the challenge will automatically be on the chopping block. Players will vote on who to eliminate between combat rounds. In the event of a tie, there will be a Sue-Off with the narrator choosing the winner impartially.
Character Creation Notes
Portraits are required. All strength, weakness, and subplots are up to you. Card art highly encouraged. Bonus points for your own OC DO NOT STEAL work. For inspiration, browse https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Mary_Sue
or any of the numerous anime, video game, fan fiction, or television fandom sites. Read the Nature cards descriptions.
Gameplay Notes
Tense makes no difference to me, but first person is always awkward to read in a play by post game.
The speed of the game will mostly depend on how quickly players conclude the combat scenes. That said, don’t stint on writing quality.
While each character will be an ultra-special snowflake, don’t godmode in combat. Feel free to slash at an opponent in a move, but don’t just say you disembowel them before feeding them the entrails; allow for a response. Injuries are only an illusion until combat ends.
Go for broke, and have fun.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 08/08/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License