Not everyone can be the good guy.
I mean, how would anyone know what a good guy was, without a bad guy? How can one know light without darkness? (Ooh, that’s a good one, I better keep that.) Without standing as a bastion of all that is good, who would know who the villain was?
It’s a good thing you’re the good guy, though, standing for the True King, the Dark Crusader, the Watcher of All. You remember the days when he was on the throne, and fondly; peace came to your lands (well, at least to those that tended to their dirt farms and appreciated the all-too-generous scraps from the armies), a time of unprecedented growth (for some reason, people came pouring from the cities, oddly without many possessions, but who are we to judge?), a time when goodness swept across the lands (and those dark clouds that killed the crops, wasn’t that odd?).
Alas, the once-powerful have fallen, and fallen far. No one is sure where the True King has gone, though it is rumored he died in battle against the Usurper, a nasty little man in white (really, how does he eat anything without ruining his clothes? Ridiculous, I’d say, and suspicious to boot) who took his place as if it were his. Though, of course, a little elbow grease and a touch of magic, and the old king would be good as new–if anyone were brave enough to stand up to the new tyrant.
But, when you get your summons to fight in the name of your liege, you’re ready for his call (or well, at least the call of his chief advisors). Many left their homes to take up his flag in the early days of his campaign, and now you’ll follow in their footsteps.
Perhaps you were an old member of his armies, one that somehow slipped from the grasp of the usurper (really, how did you manage to sleep in at the final battle?), or perhaps you were raised a bit differently from the rest. Maybe your sword is a bit sharper than your mind. Whatever the reason, you fight in the name of the king, the rightful king.
The thing is… He’s the true murderous tyrant. You’re the bad guy, despite your delusions of gallantry that suggest otherwise. But, you know (or at least think you know) what your true calling is, your loving leader who will reward you for your undying loyalty. So, like it or not, you’re going, and that’s final.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hosted and narrated by:
Kaitlyn Corum (ThatOneDM)
Started 03/09/16.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License