This story follows the fictional 220th “Double Deuce” Infantry Support Regiment (220th ISR) from the fabled 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Battalion, Fox Company from the American Army, serving in the second world war.
The 220th ISR is a support group - bound for lifting boxes, building posts and securing supply routes - far from the front lines.
Toward the end of the European campaign, this story follows a squad who’s been sent to Condren, a fictional town in northern France.
A somewhat calm, sedated town, Condren has been leveraged as a main stop in multiple supply routes. The squad occupies a well-fortified security outpost, watching a never ending line of transport vehicles filter through the town.
One day, in the most least suspected place, Germany unleashes a final, dramatic push to retake the land they’ve lost.
Atlantik is set in an alternate history universe that is steampunky, gritty and unforgiving.
Hosted and narrated by:
Bill D (postpunksuperhero)
Started 05/21/17.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License