In a magical valley on the other side of the night sky is the palace of Astrala, where the stars hold their grand balls. They are guests of the immortal Hostess, who built Astrala especially for them. They gain bodies through the wonder of the Astromantic Collector. They walk through the Aether Garden and twirl in the Glissando Rooms, whisper in the Salon of Nightingales and form liaisons in the Twilight Radiancy. And when the Assembly is over, they once again return to the sky.
This is not their story.
The Astral Children, born of romance between stars, remain behind. They operate the strange machinery of Astrala and serve the Hostess, and in return she allows them to live in the palace with her. They are favored above the ordinary mortals who also live in Star Valley.
Humans have found their way to Star Valley for centuries, traveling through odd paths across space and time. They live in a small town called Starford, below Astrala’s high perch. The Hostess tolerates them, as long as some portion of them protects the borders of her Valley from things more frightening than ordinary humans.
The lives of the two peoples don’t intersect very often. This may prove to be a dilemma when the border village of Nightgate falls to That Which Waits Without, and only their combined strength can preserve the valley.
But we’re getting ahead of the story. That hasn’t happened. Not yet, anyhow.
Instead, it is the Festival of the New Sun, and the children of Starford (and perhaps a few from Astrala) are preparing for a day of entertainment. And at the end of the day, there’s the Apprentice Fair…
I’m going to be looking for 4-6 solid applications that work well together. Introduce me to a child you’d like to play ranging between 8-14 years old. Thanks.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chrysoula Tzavelas (Chrysoula)
Started 04/26/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License