It’s 2534. Virtual reality dominates entertainment. Currency is digital. Cybernetics, cryogenics, and cloning are all attainable–if you have the cash and connections. If you’re on the ground, you might still take a car or high-speed train to get where you’re going, but if you’ve got the money, you prefer air travel. From the large luxury or cargo cruisers that travel between planets to the small, flashy speeders–sometimes outfitted for war–designed to zip from ship to ship or city to city, the air is almost always abuzz.
On Earth, refugees waiting for ships off-planet overcrowd the crumbling cities. Nomadic bandit tribes vie for what resources remain. Religious activists preach from ruins that man’s place is on the Earth God gave him and often terrorize those that try to leave. The vigilante Coalition employs soldiers, medics, and spies to fight corruption and aid the innocent.
Mars is in desperate need of funds and supplies to deal with growing unrest. Politicians and law enforcement have been made powerful and wealthy through bribery, blackmail, and probably murder. Taxes are cripplingly high and what work there is is largely unsavory. Most fall in with a local gang early in life and steal, blackmail, bribe, and fight for survival. Everyone else has probably been at their mercy, especially if they have money or power.
Ganymede is a booming hub for trade. Home to high-tech companies, distinguished universities, and top-of-the-line medical centers, even the poor find leisure time for nature and nightlife. Most crime is white-collar, petty theft, or smuggling and very, very carefully executed. If a Ganymetian cares at all what life is like on other planets, he’s probably a politician, activist, journalist, or volunteer trying to enlighten his fellow citizens or spread Ganymetian ideals to the rest of the System.
Europa serves as Mars’ prison colony, where mining is the best way to guarantee well-being. Only the strong, smart, and well-connected survive. Convincts–whether they committed the crime or not–can expect to die there. Anyone unlucky enough to be born there learns fast that life isn’t fair and nobody can be trusted. To escape would be nothing short of a miracle.
Dusty Titan leaves a lot to be desired, but it’s become the playground of folks that just don’t fit in anywhere else. From racing cars and testing arms to shunning technology and avoiding the law, Titan’s got a place for everyone–as long as they get along. Troublemakers will find themselves exiled.
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We’ll begin where we all began: Earth. Whatever your background, you’ve found your way to a deserted, derelict bunker near what was once the Grand Canyon. You’re highly skilled but down on your luck, and you’ve come here to apply for what promises to be a very lucrative–and very illegal–job. You’re not the only one that has turned up, but you’re still waiting for your would-be employer.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 03/09/15.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License