It is the dawn of the 25th Century, although for most of the galaxy that doesn’t mean much. Humanity made a brief foray out into the great unknown, only to run back to Sol with their tails tucked between their legs at the first sign of trouble.
In the Milky Way human colonists are just another alien race, one of dozens of star-faring cultures staking their claims and seeking their future out in the heavens. Alien races control their home systems and colonies, but much of the galaxy is unexplored. Hyperspace allows interstellar travel in a matter of hours or days, allowing for a galactic gold rush as alien races and independent ships travel far and wide in search of planets rich in minerals or precursor technology.
Out on the fringe of the Orion arm of the galaxy explorers discovered the remains of two massive, ancient alien fleets. Most of the ships are little more than charred husks and scrap, making it difficult to determine their true number, although conservative estimates start at six digits.
One of the largest vessels in the fleet also turned out to be the most intact. Claimed by a loose organization of trade companies under a shaky treaty, the ship was dubbed Fortune and although no one yet has activated her engines it didn’t take long to convert the titanic structure into a makeshift space station.
Fortune soon became a hub of economic activity for the region, where merchants, traders, explorers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and other fortune-seekers stop to refuel, unload their cargo, restock, and grab a drink at one of the local pubs.
The oldest and most popular bar on the station is Arlott’s, a no-nonsense watering hole on Deck 56. Serving up a wide assortment of beverages and snacks to satiate even the oddest biology, it’s just the place a hard-working spacer wants to be at the end of a long day, although you never know what will come through the door next.
This will be a casual, fun, trope-filled, episodic sci-fi story set on a space station. Each chapter will be the equivalent of a television episode focused on a new story idea with some light continuity.
This isn’t going to be pure satire or parody. There will be plenty of humorous situations and over-the-top personalities, but also action, drama, and mystery with real stakes. Think Guardians of the Galaxy, The Fifth Element, and Disney’s Treasure Planet for inspiration.
Characters are either residents of the station or frequent visitors, and can reliably be found in Arlott’s. This pub will be the heart of the game. It’s where they go to tip one back and swap stories of legendary starship wrecks, space pirate attacks, and that four-limbed beauty from Pleiades VI. Inevitably, something interesting will interrupt their day, whether it be a xenomorph outbreak, a lost time-traveler, a space pirate attack, an incoming meteor, a merchant with a seemingly impossible bit of technology, or just a game of poker.
Humans are a small minority of the galaxy’s residents, so most players should be aliens or synthetics. Not all characters need to be present for each chapter. When creating your character custom cards are encouraged. Each player can start with up to 2 custom assets, which should be described in your biography.
This is a companion game to Stellar Seekers, and takes place in the same universe:
Fortune Appearance /
Fortune Information /
Alien Race Information
Hosted and narrated by:
David (QuantumFeline)
Started 03/10/15.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License