Leonardo DaVinci discovered the New World in 1487 in an airship launched from Florence, and things have never been the same.
In a world where science is mad, and magic is subtle, the borders may not look the same, but the people are.
The story will be set in 1926. Much like our world, a Great War ravaged them between 20 and ten years ago.
The story will start in 1930. Then, you will be passengers (or perhaps crew) of the airship Celestine. The Celestine is the Flagship of the Aether Society, a group of inspired and adventurous people dedicated to making the world a better place. The Aether Society is headquartered in London, England.
You are all members of the Aether Society headquartered in Sforza. Sforza (in the location of Halifax in our world). Sforza was the first city in the New World, named after Leonardo Da Vinci’s patron. It’s an independent city that controls the entire peninsula of Da Vinci (Nova Scotia), sort of like a cross between Hong Kong and New York City. Thanks to the history of colonization of the continent, it is a cosmopolitan place.
You are all heading back to Sforza after the Grand Convocation, a world-wide gathering of Aether Society members. It is an honor to be invited, and not every member is.
(Don’t get too hung up on the alternate history. Suffice it to say historical facts are different, as are political boundaries. I have a few other ideas, some found below, but I’m flexible.)
The first few chapters will be on the airship in 1930. The first chapter will start with basic life on the airship. You’ll have a chance to socialize and show off your character in a normal setting.
Then, the world will end. Unexpectedly.
By the end of the second chapter, your characters will be offered the opportunity to go back in time and try to stop the apocalypse.
The catch: they only go back mentally. They will inhabit their bodies, armed only with their knowledge of the last four years.
Things I am going to want from you, besides the generic character creation:
(1) What was their life like in 1926? And what happened between 1926 and 1930? What was lost that they can they now regain, what can they hope to do better? What did they have that they do not want to lose? This should be in your character description.
(2) What is it about your character, specifically, that led to them being invited to the Grand Convocation? (or in the case of crew members - what is it about you that made you qualify for a position on one of the flagships of the Society?) This should also be in your character description.
(3) This is a game about endings. So please give me a conclusion that you think is fitting for your character. More specifically, think of this as: “If the world hadn’t ended, what would have been a good end for this character’s story?” Not death necessarily, just end.
Note, this will not be set in stone. Ends can change as characters and events interact. And as this is not set in stone, please enter it in a private message.
Players that DO NOT answer these questions will be rejected.
We will also be talking in chat BEFORE the first scene to brainstorm a little bit about how your characters know each other. Please be able to be available for that. Additional brainstorming will also be expected at the beginning of each chapter.
Some historical butterflies:
North America is now “Hesperia” (South America is ‘Novaterra’ as it was settled by Portugal, later the Iberian Union). Australia remains ‘Australia’).
Spain and Portugal are now “Iberia” having united in the early 16th century under Miguel da Paz.
Treaty of Marseille split the New World on the 13th parallel north.
China had colonies in western North America by the time da Vinci landed (they landed in 1421), a butterfly from the successful Mongolian invasion of Japan in 1274.
Hosted and narrated by:
Alexander Cherry (Lxndr)
Started 05/13/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License