At the Core, there is no darkness. Sunset on a Core world simply means the stars come out, thousands upon thousands of them, packed side by side. Enough light to read by.
Not so out towards the Rim. Here, it can take days, even weeks to move from star to star, even in High-E space. Here, there is darkness aplenty. Here also are wonderful things, beauty- and terror.
We are the Ssildar, the Wanderers, the Homeless Ones. We do not fear the Darkness between the stars.
More data on the setting here:
[Natures describe your basic training and skillset, as well as tools you can reasonably be expected to have on hand- these are generally ‘automatic sucess’ actions.
*Strengths and Weaknesses are more ‘in a pinch’ or ‘under stress’ personality traits, rather than normal skills. Feel free to create new ones.]*
Hosted and narrated by:
Ev A (Eraille)
Started 08/07/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License