After the siege and capture of the Atreides enclave in Arrakeen, the household members and soldiers who survived were scattered to the winds. Some were able to arrange their way off planet but many joined Fremen, mercenary groups or went on as freelance soldiers including Gurney Halleck, the valorous and well-known swordmaster.
Gurney was captured by a Sardaukar capture or kill team (after significant losses) and taken to an unknown site to await interrogation, leverage against the other members of the household and eventual execution. The word is, that he is kept in a perpetual drugged state to reduce his resistance and to prevent him from killing himself just yet.
Muad’dib has asked a team of Fedaykin to recapture Halleck and put him back into circulation, fighting the Harkonnens but without bringing Muad’dibs name or part in the rescue. Halleck still has a part to play.
As far as player dynamics, I am looking for an all Fremen cast unless a good case can be made for a Mentat, a Face Dancer or other interested party. Keep in mind that among Fremen, women are valued as highly as men for fighting and survival skills. If you choose NOT to be a Fremen, weaknesses will likely include Lack of Water Discipline.
I welcome custom cards of all kinds; card art is less important but would like to see at least an attempt for the character portrait. Same goes for the character name. That being said, the idea is for this to be an environment to have fun and be creative without judgement or criticism.
This is not “first come, first accepted” but I will only leave invites open generally for a short time. If there is not enough interest, I will not run the story. If you have already applied and been accepted but there are no further applications, please understand that this game will not go on.
I expect to take 3 or 4 players and am looking for players that are committed, know the background of Dune at least historically (I do not expect you to reread the novel before being allowed in). Also, as much as I like the work of David Lynch, I will try to stay true to the original work rather than the film.
Hosted and narrated by:
Mike Hill (Talionis)
Completed 09/10/15.
Scenes played: 8
License: Community License