Form Thread:
My Storium Philosophy:
Working at the Congregational Hospital in Kingsport, MA was never easy. It seemed like no one got out of that hospital unchanged — not one patient, not one doctor. Then everything went to hell one night. The crew on shift did their best to salvage the situation, but when the dead are hungry there isn’t much to do.
The hospital staff has escaped from ground zero and hunkered down on an island off of Marblehead, MA. Now they build up their defenses and try to figure out their next move. But what happens when new survivors start showing up on the island?
This game used the Medical Drama setting as a starting point but has branched out from there. At it’s heart, Alive is a zombie (though we will all strive to not use that word) apocalypse game.
Character Creation Notes
Portraits are required. No picture, no entry.
Treat the Backstory as a writing sample. I need to evaluate what kind of writer you are to get a feel for what your moves will be like.
Card Art is also required, it is intentionally not included. I’m evaluating what kinds of imagery you’ll be using for Wild cards.
Gameplay Notes
Tense (Past, Present, or Future) and Perspective (First or Third Person) can be move dependent. I’m not concerned with keeping a cohesive narrative, just an interesting one.
Speed is set to Normal (2-3 Scenes\week); the exception is I’m not active on weekends. I try to keep things at a steady pace, I will end scenes even if challenges aren’t completed, I will respond mid-scene to keep things moving, I will respond to challenges when they are completed, and I will wrap up scenes if everything has moved on in the narrative without everyone posting. I’m never going to wait on one or two at the expensive of the group. Players that go silent (No Moves, No Comments, No E-Mails) for a week will be written out of the game.
Communication is very important to me. You don’t have to move every day, but at least drop a note in the comments regularly so everyone knows what’s going on. I understand that Real Life happens, but if I don’t know that you’re going to be away I don’t know how to plan for your character.
Further Questions
If you have any other questions feel free to e-mail me
Hosted and narrated by:
Rob Justice (RobJustice)
Started 06/01/14.
Scenes played: 26
License: Community License