The Magellanic Queen is to transport cruisers what the Titanic was to passenger liners. It’s massive. It’s a marvel of modern engineering. It’s luxurious. It’s the ship that everyone who’s anyone wants to be on.
The Magellanic Queen is also unique in one very special way. The upper hold is meant for the travelers: the rich elite, the middle class who couldn’t really afford this trip, and the poor average Joes who won their tickets through one of the many intergalactic contests.
The lower hold, however … that’s the part that’s interesting.
It’s meant to store cargo. Any kind of cargo. For the Magellanic Queen’s maiden voyage, that cargo is livestock. Not just any livestock, though. These creatures are owned by the interstellar corporate giant, Weyland-Yutani.
The upper and lower holds aren’t meant to mix. The passengers of this marvelous cruise ship don’t know that beneath them are large, noisy, lumbering herbivores. They aren’t meant to know. As far as they’re concerned, the Magellanic Queen is an instrument of their leisure. As far as Weyland-Yutani is concerned, the Magellanic Queen is a cheap and convenient way to get the livestock to one of its fledgling colonies.
What nobody knows is that the livestock is infected.
What nobody knows is that in a matter of a few short hours, something very bad is going to happen in the lower hold.
What nobody can even possibly imagine is that when the Big Bad happens and the captain finally puts out a distress call, it’s going to catch the attention of something even worse.
Welcome aboard the Magellanic Queen. We hope you enjoy your flight.
NOTE: This is based off the Aliens Vs. Predator shared universe. Familiarity with the universe isn’t necessary. I’d like this to be a fairly fast-paced game and aside from a regular cast, I’d love to have a few characters appear for a scene or two before meeting a gory end at either the hands of a xenomorph or a Predator.
Hosted and narrated by:
Pam K. (Pamphetamine)
Started 05/19/14.
Scenes played: 10
License: Community License