Ragnarok. Armaggedon. Call it what you will, but by any name it was the end of the world. The prophecies came true, the darkness closed in, and everything ended.
Or it was supposed to.
At the last instant, new gods appeared, bearing the power to hold the darkness back, and perhaps even rebuild existence.
You are one of those gods. Welcome to Afterworld.
In this game, everyone is playing a newly formed god, capable of sweeping acts of divine power that reshape all of creation.
The world is still trying to end, however - as a result, the style of play we’re going for is “sandbox in the rain.” You can build just about anything, but there’s an external pressure that will provide a baseline conflict you’ll need to keep in mind.
Please don’t actually submit a character until everyone can collaborate on characters - I have no problem with inter-character conflict, but we need to make sure that the players are all on the same page.
DOC HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yp6B_xdQu9vi6cRGeVI8D6j6mwtTa6kTNsoJCZBI2uQ/edit?usp=sharing
Character creation guidelines :
Your characters have literally not even a microsecond of history prior to the first scene, so you’ll be making a baseline personality and deciding what you want to be god of.
Description: please include your basic personality and goals, as well as a description of your true form.
Nature: please list your starting Domain: the area in which you are able to directly use the Divine Spark to enact your will. This can be anything that isn’t so ridiculously broad as to be virtual omnipotence - if we need to tweak the concept, we’ll do so before the game. There are a few exceptions, though!
- You can’t take the same Domain as someone else.
- No player may take any form of Fate, Prophecy, or Time Travel - period.
- No one may begin the game with Death, Light, or Magic. These Domains all have special circumstances and must be earned in play.
Strengths and Weaknesses should be personality, not domains! Your domains will be asset cards - in all the myths, it’s their personalities, not their powers, that drives the degree of success or failure in their endeavors. I encourage you to make your own Strengths and Weaknesses.
You can do basically anything on a human scale, so long as it isn’t ontologically opposed to your Domains. (For instance, the god of Food Allergies couldn’t appear to awe his mortal followers in a jar of peanut butter - unless he was like an evil mob boss who threatened non-believers with food allergies.)
Hosted and narrated by:
Eric Schuller (ErekLich)
Started 10/05/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License