In the distance, you see it: the blaze of light that must be the inn.
You stride towards it.
You have nothing to go on, save the word from a fallen knight. The devil, Gorson, is somewhere ahead of you. And time is running out. At midnight, he will open a portal back to the Nine Hells and escape.
What weary travellers sit and warm themselves by the hearth fire? A strumming bard, a scribbling sage, a wary swordswoman… One of them is not who they seem.
The fate of a kingdom is in your hands.
But you are not yet at the Craving Corsair inn.
For the woods are lovely, dark and deep.
And you have promises to keep.
And miles, and miles to go before you sleep.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 03/07/20.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License