Once upon a time, Karut was the greatest city in the known world. Everyone who was anyone wished to be there, whether it was to study magic at the great Arcanum Universitorum, or to apprentice under one of the many master craftsmen, or even just to experience the nightlife. Anything you wished for was in Karut, it was a city of infinite possibility.
With so much possibility, however, came its downfall. On the Day of Perfect Stars, Archmage Kenzun went through a sudden and inexplicable change. No longer was he the kind, jovial old man everyone had loved, suddenly he had become wicked, vengeful, and cruel. Within the span of a day, he created The Grand Ward, a magical dome surrounding the entire city which allowed nothing in nor out. He then began his grand work, performing terrible experiments on the townspeople. Cursing them to lives they couldn’t understand or endure.
Over the next eighty years, Kenzun walked throughout the city, altering it and its denizens to his whims. Many of his fellow wizards he transformed into bookbirds, books which flew through the sky as though they were of avian nature. He turned the city watch into his walking armor and his flying scryers. But for the regular people, he would have far more fun. For the people in the city, he altered them. He changed them, seemingly for his own amusement, and then he created wards to lock them in place. Some, the lucky few, were designated “walkers” and their wards allowed them to move about, though their routes were all determined for them.
There is also a small, hidden contingent of humans left within the city. These holdouts of the old city have spent 80 years trying to find a way out, a way to freedom, but to no avail.
Recently, Kenzun has stopped walking the streets. He has not been seen. But what’s more, many of his wards have weakened, and those that were once trapped are now free to move about the city of their own accord. This is, however, a bittersweet blessing, as many of the cursed townsfolk have gone mad through the years, and Kenzun appeared to have brought in creatures from the outside that piqued his interest.
You have recently gotten free of your ward, and luckily enough, still have your mind mostly intact. The whole city is now yours to roam, but to what end?
Alright, so, what I’m looking for is around 3-4 characters. I want to create the story based on the characters, so while I have some general ideas of what is and isn’t acceptable for the setting, whatever you want to try is worth throwing out there. You want to have been cursed to be a sentient cloud? Cool, let’s do it. You were bound to a wagon and now are half human, half wagon (the most terrible centaur)? Let’s try it out!
I know this sounds like it’s a fairly dark setting, but I would like for the characters and the story to be somewhat light. Consider it a fun juxtaposition with the setting.
This is the first time I’m attempting to narrate a story, so please be patient with me as I do everything I can.
I have included sample cards, but by all means make your own! I like cards that have art, so please include art in your cards, and I will try to include it in the cards that I use. I will also post a thread in the forum, so if you want to ask if something would work, feel free!
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryan Broseidon (Primesauce)
Started 06/29/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License