This is not your average Storium game. We will not be playing characters individually. We will have a group of characters all together. Our goal is to have fun writing a swords and sorcery story based in the D&D universe. The plot will be discussed when the players are in. (P.S. It will get very violent at times.)
Don’t worry about a character description. Either just put in a few random letters or put any ideas for the story down. I already have characters made but if you come up with another we could possibly throw them in. A large part of this story will be us learning more about the characters and having them develop as we play. There are six.
Ciyerra Gale
Growing up with only her mother left her without any father figure. Living deep in the woods, she never met anyone outside her extended family till she was 15 led her to be anxious about talking to people. She enjoys helping people but tends to be shy. Also living in the woods she and her mother had to supply food for themselves. She learned to hunt at age 8. She became experienced with a bow, and took down many forms of large prey. She never expected to use these skills against another human.
At age18 she was drafted by a group of women called the Daughters of Nerull, and was forced to hunt drow until age 19. She hated it, knowing that most of those she killed did nothing truly wrong. She did not leave unharmed though, on her last hunt she was injured. Half the head of an arrow remains in her left forearm. She was ejected from the group for this reason, and was happy because of this. Every now and then she will get a flash of pain in her arm and it will become useless. After leaving she set out as an adventurer, helping those as she could along the way. Ever since she left group of sick and twisted women she knew she would one day destroy the group or die trying.
Her first attempt in their destruction involved her and 4 others. She was the only one who made it out whole. Two others also made it out, one missing a hand and the other a foot. She felt horrible for asking them to risk their life and left them with almost all her money and she left to a nearby city, large with lots of problems for her to fix. She made her living here for the next month and then stopped working, and became a drinker. Not heavy, but at least once a week she came back home drunk. That lasted till she ran out of money. She lost it, struggling to keep it together. For being so young, she’d seen so much death, it was horrible. She would cry for hours at a time remembering what she did. She was like this for a whole year. Until Xanrun, a kindly dragonborn, found her in pub, trying to convince the bartender to give her a free drink. He helped her recover. Xanrun being a paladin, helped reconcile for her sins and helped her understand that she should not blame herself so much. They became great friends and began taking jobs together.
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 125 Lbs
Hair: Long, curly, blonde
Eyes: bright blue
Age: 21
Rannaggar Zyythe
Growing up in a wealthy family, his father an adventurer, specifically a mage, his mother a daughter of a famous adventurer. So at an early age, he was asked by his parents if he was interested in the family’s business, and of course he was. They found him a teacher, a famous druid, like his maternal grandfather. The druid requested little pay, excited to teach a young one his ways. When he hit the age of 15 he moved with the druid, Abraxus Hakan, a Dragonborn, to his cottage in the forest.
At the cottage, the first thing he learned was to summon spirit animals. The first animal he summoned was a black fox, with eyes the color of freshly drawn blood. His master was taken in awe to hat he had summoned. When Rannaggar asked why he why, he answered “Nothing, I have just never seen one of such color.” He obviously knew something, and has seen this before, just not in person.
A year later he gets word that his mother was killed by a group of thieves, after being raped during a robbery of his parents’ home. His father was away on a job. Being so far away, Rannaggar was not able to attend her funeral. Three years after that Abraxus was killed by an owl bear. A pack had wandered into Abraxus’s fields and began eating his animals, including Rannaggars favorite, the tamed wolf, Fang. Abraxus tried to scare them off but died in the process, a beak through the eye and three puncture wounds to the gut. From then on he has an unnatural fear of owl bears. Most people fear them, but his fear reminds him of his teacher, and his teacher’s death, and it forces him into youthful fear, like that of the day in his memory.
He searches for his father, who had never stayed in the same place since his mother’s death. He also plans his revenge on the ones who killed his mother, he knows they are out there, they are in a guild for assassins up north. He is making something, a weapon that he plans to make sure the first cut he makes with it is to the neck of one of the men who killed his mother. So far he only has a pole, made of the wood of a Dragon-Oak tree, glowing a sickly green from the grain.
In his time in the wild he has become uncultured, yet cunning. He is a half-elf. His mother an elf and his father a human. He joined the guild to have the best chance possible to find and kill the bastards that killed his mother. Having no money from his father he only has what he makes himself. So far he is only able to summon his fox, a great falcon, and a tortoise. He currently carries the pieces of his scythe that he has gathered, a sickle (Imbued with a protective magic that will guide his hand to block attacks), 3 daggers, and a standard adventuring kit.
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 180 Lbs
Hair: shaggy brown hair
Eyes: brown, almost black
Age: 22
Amkissara “The Red Shadow” Hasumé
Known as the Red Shadow for her lack of fear in drawing blood, and her skills in illusion. While training in the school of magic she never paid much attention in the arts of evocation. Instead she was fascinated by the idea of scarring, confusing, and tricking her enemies into fighting each other.
She is very friendly and is not afraid to share her thoughts. She was raised right and lived a normal childhood. Throughout her teenage years she became popular with the boys and was adored by her teachers. After moving to the arcana school she began to quickly decide which path she would take, Illusion. Graduating first in her class she was brought to the attention of a nearby town. Thieves had repeatedly raided the town vault. She was asked to protect it. She laid an area of effect illusion on the vaults largest storage room. As the thieves entered they saw each other as goblins. Not fearing the meager creatures, they went after each other. When they finished only one was left but he bled out ten minutes later. When she entered to view her work she was not appalled, but was satisfied by her work. She did not enjoy what she saw but was not truly bothered by it.
She took up the hero for hire lifestyle after that, preforming man missions which caused much bloodshed, thus earning Amkissara her title. Many a times she has ended up on the wrong side, but when this would occur she would adjust her position, believing in doing what’s right and not what pays. She often finds herself lonely because of her traveling job. She hopes to find friends and maybe someone even more than that.
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 130 Lbs
Hair: Long, maple red, messy bangs
Eyes: Dark green
Age: 23
Varis Nudetha
Being the bastard child of elves and humans, he was never accepted into either society. The only place he ever felt safe as a child was at home deep in the woods. Raised by a loving elf mother and an adventuring human father he surpassed this obstacle. Learning to not care about what other people thought from his mother, and from his father, to slay those who would not let it go.
Even with his training, he could never get past the fact that his body was not strong. He does not recover quickly and will bleed profusely if cut. He often became sick and has broken many bones. Therefore his focus was on not being hit and hitting hard. As he grew up his father was home less and less. But when he would return he would bring back better and better mementos from his journeys. Many of these were weapons passed on to Varis after his father grew too old to be an explorer. Taking up his father’s weapons and armor he began defending the nearby towns from beasts and evildoers. Eventually he gained respect from these people. After he leaves his place to take on bigger challenges, he expects much less praise and more hate for his half-breed existence. He himself hates no one in particular, only those who give him a reason to.
From his father’s arsenal he carries the long sword, crossbow, and hand axe, all of which have lead him where he is now.
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 150 Lbs
Hair: Short black, messy
Eyes: Dark blue eyes
Age: 23
Xanrun Maltimnor
He grew up in a town made for the goddess Avandra herself. All who lived there worshipped her. As he grew up other began to fear him, he was large, even for a dragonborn. He took an interest in fighting in his earlier years. He drew the attention of the church with his skills. A fey priest recruited him Avandra’s name. He grew in favor the goddess, and became a paladin. He began traveling the world, helping those unfortunate people who were in bad situations. This led him meet Ciyerra Gale. He found her at a bar obviously distraught. He learned her story and helped her to forgive herself.
They became great friends and worked together, taking jobs to help people in the city. Though he can be scary (what can shoot lightning from its face and not be scary) he is truly kind and very friendly. He is well known through the land for his skills in divine and martial arts. His weapon is a great sword and he carries a shield with him wherever he goes. He does not do it out of fear of death, but he knows that he cannot protect people if he lays on the floor dead. He is very forgiving and tries to avoid killing when he can. He also believes he is alive today because of his favor from Avandra. She is the goddess of luck and fortune and he believes she has protected him from death many times. He could be using this favor for gambling or something else those of low morale would do, but he has decided not to abuse this power, and instead use it for good. He knows he is blessed and acts accordingly.
Height: 6’ 10”
Weight: 210 Lbs
Scales: Crimson, thick
Eyes: Bright green
Age: 26
Evessa T’sul
Being a dark elf is hard, no matter what. Being brought to the over world, raised by half-elf parents, and being drow led to a hard life for Evessa. Most of her life was spent scared, and rejected from society. Her parents were poor and stole most of their food to survive. She eventually grew into the habit herself, developing may complimentary skills. Once, when she was 14, she was caught and was arrested. On her way to the nearby jail, she knocked out the guards watching her and ran. 3 days later she made it home beaten up, hungry, and tired. Her parents met her at the door and caught her as she collapsed. She slept for a day straight and when she woke up her parents would not let her be. Her mother never left her side and her father only to make their meals.
Once she recovered completely, physically and mentally, she began looking for an honest job. She found something when she became 15, working as a maid for one of the friendliest families in a nearby town. They were uncertain of her at first, but understanding she meant no harm and her story they felt sorry for her. They kept her family fed as long as once a week she would visit and help their kids with chores and homework. 2 years later she developed a crush on the eldest son. And after a month or two of them flirting, she found him locked in an embrace of a large magnitude with a fellow student from his school. She ran away from the house quietly as to not draw the attention of the kind family. When she arrived home early her family was confused, and she claimed she was done early. Before any more detail was delved into she left, leaving a note. She felt she could not work as a maid any longer and had gone out, to journey, hoping to find a way to find money to bring back to her family. By 18 she was able to support herself and began storing money, to give to her family. She was again rejected by society and found it hard to find work, but she made it. Currently not working on any jobs she is staying at her temporary home.
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 135 Lbs
Hair: Short white, usually up
Eyes: Navy blue
Age: 19
Hosted and narrated by:
Austin Surratt (Sparkofguilt343)
Started 11/18/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License