A group of brave adventurers journeys to a perilous dungeon in search of fame, fortune, and priceless magical treasures. This story begins shortly after you have killed and eaten these adventurers.
The adventurers were unlucky or inexperienced enough to set up camp for the night atop a patch of doppelgänger fungus. Overnight the fungus slowly consumed the adventurers, and after a brief digestive period, excreted fungus-based duplicates of each.
You are these duplicates. You are perfect copies of each of the originals (except, you know, fungus) with all their skills, strengths, and weaknesses. You have some of their memories. Things that had been firmly committed to long-term memory (such as your names) were easy to pick up. Minor details and some more recent events are… well, a little fuzzy.
If you’re careful, you can all replace the original adventurers without anyone ever finding out that you’re not really them. It can be dangerous, though. Some magic users may be able to tell you are imposters - druids in particular tend to have a nose for that sort of thing - but the bigger danger comes from slipping up in conversation about something you should remember but don’t. When doppelgängers are detected it almost always ends in a lot of blood.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 05/21/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License