A generic fantasy world run amok with unicorns, dragons, warlocks, elves, and other slightly ridiculous fantasy creatures that continuously steal virgins or young children or gold and basically hassle the normal everyday folk.
Most people live and work around these doings, as honestly, finding a proper virgin is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack in a field of haystacks and no one really has THAT much gold to steal except for the rich folk (certainly not us regular peasant folk who barely have two coppers to rub together. Other, slightly crazier people band together to rid the world of such hassles, although it seems like the world is just getting more dangerous.
Our story starts with a group that has recently formed to begin their quest.
Shenanigans appreciated
Hosted and narrated by:
Katherine Strout (Squiggles)
Started 05/10/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License