A truly fairy-tale world where every fairy-tale creature, major or minor, exists and lives. Do they really all have happily ever afters though?
In this game, I’d like the players to choose a real fairy-tale character. This doesn’t have to be a major character either (such as Cinderella or Robin Hood), it can be a minor character that may or may not have been mentioned in the story (maybe it’s the magical talking horse of Snow White’s step-mom’s once removed cousin). Don’t constrict yourself to major fairy tales or conventional ones either! Think of Grimm Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Anderson, whatever you like! Make sure to make the character your own as well. Maybe the Beast is actually a werewolf, or Malificent is really nice, once you get to know her. The whole “sleeping curse” was just an accident, obviously.
Also feel free to make a character to go along with one of the already created characters. Or one you know who will want to interact with the established character!
Be creative! Make your own strengths and weaknesses if you want (Aurora is narcoleptic??). I’ll pick characters based on creativity, so have fun!
Hosted and narrated by:
Jane S (Em_J)
Started 05/06/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License