21 Days is the anonymously produced hit reality series hosted amid the shadows of the deep, dark web that pits twelve unfortunate souls against three weeks of perilous disasters and lab created, flesh eating creatures. Survivors of the contest get to keep their life while losers, well, don’t keep it.
How does one register to become a lucky contestant? They don’t! Simply live a regular life and the show’s production scouts will come find you! From house wives to street gangs, bakers to corporate CEOs, they are on the hunt for any good story. So pump those biceps, pinch those cheeks, and don’t worry about having to fumble through revealing your darkest, most dramatic life moments. They already know!
Nowhere else will you experience the thrill of simultaneous tornadoes and earthquakes, exploring jungles infested with rabid monkeys, climbing cloud high towers without clunky safety equipment, racing highly trained tactical teams against the clock of your very own demise. Think of the stories you won’t be able to tell (see section 109 clause B for your non disclosure agreement)! But of course we will know, and you will always remember, the true action hero you once were.
Please note that we do apologize for the necessary confusion during our recruitment phase. Any threats or force used at this time are utilized only for your benefit! We know that you really long for competition and fame; we are simply aiding that dream! You’re welcome!!
Game has started but I am keeping both applications and Lobby are open. See details.
Hosted and narrated by:
Michelle (DreamThenSpeak)
Started 11/28/20.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License