
Zachary McConahy


West Coast PST (GMT/UTC -8)

My job allows me time to play during work hours, but my home life takes precedence evenings and weekends, so expect to see me online between 9am and 4pm frequently, and rarely other times.

I enjoy playing and narrating, and prefer games that are challenge/card driven over group writing projects. I’m open to play in any genre game, but I lean away from high fantasy (though I love reading the genre) unless there’s a great hook.

I have a wife who sometimes plays on my account, an (at the time of this writing) 18mo. son, and two chiweenies (dachshund/chihuahua mixes). I love modern board games. More stuff that no one’s reading. The end.

Time zone (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Joined Apr 30, 2014
Membership Status



Last online over 2 years ago
Word Count 26,377
Forum Posts 16
Completed... Raymond Carson in The Wilderness Within
Handed Off...


The Basics

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  • Created a Character
  • Made a Move
  • Played a Card
  • Completed a Challenge
  • Completed a Scene
  • Posted in Forums
  • Sent an Invitation
  • Wrote 1,000 Words
  • Completed a Game

  • Created 10 Characters
  • Made the Cut
  • Improvisor
Hosting & Narrating

  • Hosted 5 Games
  • Narrated 5 Games

  • Writing Machine (20,000 Words)
  • Completed 40 Scenes
  • Completed 10 Chapters
  • Completed 1 Act
  • Made 100 Moves
  • Completed 10 Challenges
  • First Strong Outcome
  • First Weak Outcome
  • Sharing Is Caring
  • Completed 1 Subplot
  • 1 Card Refresh
  • Speedster (2 Moves in a Day)
  • Sprinter

  • 1 Follower
  • 25 Game Followers
  • 1 Featured Game
  • 10 Forum Posts
  • Socializer (50 Players)
  • Sporting
  • Storium Member