
Elijah Bauer


Gan gaire fa ghniomhradh leinbh

There is no laughter at children’s doings.
Music is prohibited, the Irish language is in chains

I am the Wind that blows over the sea;
I am the Wave of the Ocean;
I am the Murmur of the billows;
I am the Oc of the even Combats;
I am the Vulture on the rock;
I am a Ray of the Sun;
I am the fairest of Plants;
I am a Wild Boar in valour;
I am a Salmon in the Water;
I am a Lake in the plain;
I am the Craft of the artificer;
I am a Word of Science;
I am the Spear-point that gives battle;
I am the God that creates in the head of man the fire of thought.
Who is it that enlightens the assembly upon the mountain, if not I?
Who tells the ages of the moon, if not I?
Who shoes the place where the sun goes to rest it not I?

Time zone (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Joined Apr 12, 2020
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Last online 3 years ago
Word Count 16,813
Forum Posts None yet
Hosting... Heraldry of Etar (narrator)
Playing... José Baden in Deduction Target:


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