
Cameron Farney


I’m new to the site, but not to relative platforms. I grew up in a small town without any real community for roleplaying games. So, when I was drawn to the hobby, it was through a community forum for an eventually defunct MMO (the original Warhammer Fantasy). But, it wasn’t until I was introduced to MUX’s and MUSH’s that my hobby became a passionate obsession. Going back to an - albeit much more advanced - play-by-post system is really just like coming home, for me.

I’m a university student and a copywriter, so the time I spend on the computer is excessive even beyond my wide range of nerdisms. Thus, I have a lot of time to spare for games like those here. There’s even the added benefit of trying to justify my time investment by claiming it’s relevant to both my work and education as a creative writer. It’s a delusion that has never failed my enjoyment in the past.

Time zone (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Joined Feb 13, 2016
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Last online over 8 years ago
Word Count 851
Forum Posts None yet


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