
Permanent Marker


Hey everyone!
It’s me, Avery! Your favorite permanent marker! It’s school season where I’m from, so if I have a hard time keeping up with messages or games, high school has me tied up… So no hard feelings :)

I’ve been a part of Storium for a little while, so I’m still trying to figure out the site and all of its cool features. And trying to convince my parents to get me a membership, because, again, writing is my life. If you wouldn’t mind hitting that follow button in the corner of my page, that would be great. I love to gain followers and get to know people! Plus, if you follow me, I follow you right back!

I enjoy too many things to list, so I’ll skip that part.
I will bore you for hours about my fictional children/characters. Ask me about them anytime!

I like ducks. Like… A lot. Ducks are very nice.

Poetry is my life. No questions asked. I’ll put one of my favorites I wrote at the bottom of my page. I’m open to sharing my poems, just ask! Feedback is greatly appreciated.
I also play the ukulele in my free time!

Writing styles: Romantic (sometimes too romantic), action, fantasy, fanfiction, thriller, poetry, and I dabble in horror, although I’m not very good.
I’m still experimenting with writing styles, so this list will grow.

Also, food. If I don’t have food in my hand, beware.

Fridays should be holidays. I’m open to that argument. Debate is also my life.

Sports: Running, pole vault, swimming, street hockey (ON ROLLERBLADES!!).

Your girl goes to church. Jesus comes first. Always.

Band is the best subject, fight me. (Not literally, I just stand very firm on that topic :} )
My band director is my dad. (Not really! That’s weird!)
We love you Mr. G-dad!
(Note to Mr. G: If you’re reading this, YOU’RE MY HERO!)

Public speaking is cool. I want to be a motivational speaker one day :) Maybe. Or a band director… You can thank my director for changing my life.

As a band kid, I’m also in marching band! It’s literally one of the best (and also most questionable) decisions I’ve ever made. I’m trying out for drum major next year because it’s cool.

Pm me anytime, unless it’s night here. I check my Storium at least 5 times a week.

Don’t forget to do your Wordle! And your Globle! Stay educated!

A quick list of people to follow, some great friends of mine:
@GleamyBean <– (Real life BFF)
@LazerChungus <– (Real life BFF)
@M1dn1ght <– (Real life BFF)
@S0mebody <– (Real life BFF)

The truth about the future coming from someone who shares so much about the past
The warm voice of that one person making your day better with every word
The soft cling of a loved one, their sweet love wrapping around you
The crisp sound of pure relaxation, sensations calming you with every sound.
That one look from a certain person making you feel uncomfortable, yet so satisfied.
The detailed story of your entertainers, pushing you towards the edge of your seat with every breath
The gentle touch of your people. The people that keep you happy. The people that keep you joyfully alive.

Time zone (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Joined Nov 23, 2021
Membership Status



Last online 11 months ago
Word Count 3,149
Forum Posts 4


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  • Wrote 1,000 Words

  • Created 5 Characters
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Hosting & Narrating

  • Narrated 1 Game

  • Completed 5 Scenes
  • Completed 1 Act
  • Made 10 Moves
  • First Weak Outcome
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  • Speedster (2 Moves in a Day)

  • 5 Game Followers
  • Socializer (10 Players)