


If you’re looking for the horrible word wall of player reference for The Theft of a Star, be advised that it can now be found much more readably by copying and pasting this google docs link into your address bar. :)


What you should know about me.. I am 31 years old, currently a stay at home mother to a toddler and a newborn. Also I am married to @FineHatGentleman. I have a B.S. in Organismal Biology which has so far done me no good, but now I am nominally paid to write from home and hope to start my M.F.A as soon as I can figure out how to make it work out financially.

I also enjoy reading, painting, gardening, and video games. I like to be inside because I am an albino and the sun hates me and since I am not legally allowed to drive, I don’t get out much. Storium is my creative outlet! Let’s see.. I’m an A.D.F. Druid in Stone Creed Grove, I have a dog and two cats and we all live with my in-laws in boring Ohio, where we decide the fate of presidential elections in our spare time. I’m actually very boring.

Time zone None specified
Joined May 3, 2014
Membership Status



Last online 8 years ago
Word Count 24,255
Forum Posts 46
Playing... Moriko Shimizu in The Games of Gods


The Basics

  • Created a Game
  • Created a Character
  • Made a Move
  • Played a Card
  • Completed a Challenge
  • Completed a Scene
  • Posted in Forums
  • Sent an Invitation
  • Wrote 1,000 Words

  • Created 5 Characters
  • Made the Cut
  • Improvisor
Hosting & Narrating

  • Narrated 1 Game

  • Writing Machine (20,000 Words)
  • Completed 20 Scenes
  • Completed 10 Chapters
  • Made 100 Moves
  • Completed 5 Challenges
  • First Strong Outcome
  • Sharing Is Caring
  • Completed 1 Goal
  • Speedster (2 Moves in a Day)

  • 1 Follower
  • 10 Game Followers
  • 25 Forum Posts
  • Socializer (25 Players)
  • Storium Member