
Michael Carmody


I’ve been playing and running tabletop games of D&D, MURPG, Pathfinder, Game of Thrones, Outbreak: Undead… etc., etc., for about a decade. I play tons of video games as well, but my real passion is for this side of things, which originated on the forums of early-aughts MMOs, RPing to kill time waiting for release dates. Looking forward to sharing some stories with new players, and joining in on some others’ as well.

Time zone None specified
Joined Apr 22, 2014
Membership Status



Last online almost 8 years ago
Word Count 15,323
Forum Posts 5


The Basics

  • Created a Game
  • Made a Move
  • Played a Card
  • Completed a Scene
  • Posted in Forums
  • Sent an Invitation
  • Wrote 1,000 Words
Hosting & Narrating

  • Narrated 1 Game

  • Writing Machine (10,000 Words)
  • Completed 10 Scenes
  • Completed 5 Chapters
  • Made 50 Moves
  • Sharing Is Caring
  • Speedster (2 Moves in a Day)

  • 1 Follower
  • 5 Game Followers
  • 5 Forum Posts
  • Socializer (5 Players)
  • Storium Member