40 cycles ago Ursa’s Midnight Snack was the hippest place for interstellar travelers to stop and sample homespun cuisine from all over the galaxy. Patrons would veer light-years off course to visit the Zed-13 fuel port just for a whiff of Ursa’s daily specials. Unfortunately, culinary trends have changed in the last 40 cycles, but Ursa’s hasn’t. Now most sentients just fill their ships with dark matter and fly off without even using Ursa’s restroom. Ursa’s son Mgour took over when she retired 5 cycles ago, but has struggled to modernize the greasy spoon with the overwhelming debt. Mgour’s oldest child Mnour just graduated from business school and has an idea for an alternate income source…bounty hunting.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 02/26/25.
Scenes played: 0
License: Community License