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Trapped on Ancient Wreck Isle

Trapped on Ancient Wreck Isle

Crashed, Marooned, Stranded…Screwed. Whatever word you choose to describe the current situation cant make it sound better. The plane you were riding was caught in a sudden storm and forced to make an emergency landing that more resembled falling out of the sky on the beach of these cursed rocks. Now the survivors must band together and try to survive until rescue can arrive if it ever will. But the island holds many a secret for the unlucky wanderer to stumble upon, so caution is advised for those who wish to live.

Those unlucky enough to survive the crash are only a few, five in total of the total of 50 on board.

David Silverston was the co-pilot. He’s good with planes and knows them well, but was never confident enough to take charge of a flight on his own. His knowledge of survival skills ends with his ability to read a map and compass or put on a bandage, but he’s thankfully uninjured and able-bodied enough to help around.

Jack McMullson is the spitting image of a survivalist. Khaki shorts, a button-up shirt with way too many pockets on the breast, and rippling muscles. While he survived, he didn’t make it in one piece. His legs were crushed in the crash and he can’t walk or move much without experiencing agony. His survival knowledge will provide helpful, but he has little to no ability to execute now that he’s crippled.

Tom Egret was traveling to the area to study the history of the area. A total brainiac, but lacking greatly in the physical department. His knowledge may prove useful to surviving some of the island’s more man-made threats.

The last two survivors are the recently married, young, dumb, rich, and in love, Jane and Bert Treble. They were flying on the way to a honeymoon that would have made a king faint with envy. But now they’re stuck here. Jane was raised sheltered by her family, taught to be a proper bride in the skills of cooking, cleaning, and how to make her husband happy. All were skills she learned to some degree, but her most learned skill was how to sneak out at night and have fun before sneaking in before breakfast. Crafty, Sneaky, and Clever, Jane is a leader who wants to have fun. Bert is a man of money. Born as the third son of one of the bankers in New York he has never known anything but luxury. A star athlete for his college lacrosse team, he brings a great deal of strength to the table, but not much else. Having lived a pampered lifestyle, almost everything was done for him including changing his diapers until he was seven. Stubborn as an ox and with the brawn to match, Bert can be a great help with the more physical of tasks, although his confidence in his strength may get him into trouble.

Art curated by @sparkletwist

Hosted and narrated by: Patrick R (AyAyAyBamba)

Started 02/22/22. Scenes played: 1

License: Community License

image source: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas