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Heaven's got the voices, but the Devil's got the rock & roll

Loosely based on the Night Music sourcebook and the Demon Prince of Rock & Roll scenario. Plays fast and loose with canon genders.

The small city of Matilda has stayed mostly out of the War between Heaven and Hell. With a few exceptions, an informal truce is enforced by the Matilda Clique of demons and angels, in which side can go about their business without much interference, and it’s fine to go for coffee with the Enemy. You’re more likely to get Extreme Consequences for breaking the truce.

Things are about to change.

As an attempt to raise tourism to Matilda, a huge rock festival is in the planning stages, and tourists are flocking into town. With both Tomas, the Angel of Catchy Tunes and his BFF Wrenchial, the Demon of Amps, in residence in Matilda, everything should be hunky-dory, and a testament to what Heaven, Hell and Humanity can do when they work together.


You are a junior angel or demon, finally getting your first Earth assignment and “human” vessel (or host(s), if you are a Kyroritate or Shedim). Your Superior has picked a nice, easy first location for you, where the War is practically peaceful.

You’ll be safe there. What difference could a festival cause?

Hosted and narrated by: Kanna Ophelia (KannaOphelia)

Started 02/02/24. Scenes played: 1

License: Community License