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Dragon Age: Vigil

Dragon Age: Vigil

“The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death. But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more than they were.”


In 9:32 Dragon, the arling of Amaranthine continues its efforts to recover from the tumultuous events that occurred on its lands, just months after the fateful Fifth Blight. Although the sacked city of Amaranthine was rescued by the Warden-Commander, and Hero of Ferelden, Emelia Aeducan, the neighboring Vigil’s Keep suffered immense losses. Its ranks of recently arrived Wardens devastated. The people of Amaranthine honor the Silver Order’s heroic sacrifices, but honor alone will not defend against the next disaster that seems destined to arrive.

Hosted and narrated by: CJaneWrite

Started 09/17/15. Scenes played: 4

License: Community License