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Devil with a Six Gun

Cole Claret was a war hero, a lawman, and … a murderer.

He ran away from the family farm at 15 and signed up with the 4th Cavalry. At the battle of Three Forks, it was Cole Claret who rallied the regiment and led the charge that broke through the enemy ranks after all the officers had been gunned down. It was Cole Claret who was the commander at the Siege of Kokoret and was instrumental in keeping the fort from falling until the 7th and 8th regiments arrived to route the enemy troops.

After the largest gold strike was found in the Verduan Territory, Claret was hired to bring law and order to the territory and it’s burgeoning city of Granite. There he gained notoriety by meting out both justice and mercy to those that deserved it. His most famous act as a lawman was killing Big John McCready and the Carson Gang. It could have been said that he was the best lawman that ever there was until he shot five men in cold blood.

On a cold, rainy night Cole Claret went on a killing spree. He tracked down and murdered five men including two of his own deputies Silas Merriweather and Gertie Wescoat. He showed no more remorse during his trial and did not deny the killing he had done. Any other man would have been hanged. But, Cole Claret was not any other man - he was sentenced to life in prison.

For twenty-five years, Cole Claret was a war hero and a lawman. For the last twenty-five years, he’s been behind bars at Holcomb Penitentiary. And, now, he’s being set released early on the grounds that he leave Verduan Territory and never come back. The Warden of Holcomb has sent out a call for all those who might still claim Cole Claret as a friend. He’ll need an escort because if he ever steps back on Verduan land, he’ll be hung. If he’s not out of the territory in a week, he’ll be hung. If he does anything other than leave the territory, he’ll be hung.

Under the best circumstances, it’s a hard ride between the border and Holcomb Prison. But, it will be even tougher with enemies from both sides of the law looking for Claret. They’ll all be gunning for the Devil with a Six Gun.

Hosted and narrated by: jaw (jawed)

Started 04/26/20. Scenes played: 4

License: Community License