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3am Flash: Group Lark

3am Flash is a weekly creative prompt to write a short scene, snippet or piece of flash fiction to a Seed, but with a Twist.

This a writing game. The Prompt will change every week, there are no characters to play unless you write them, and no need for challenges or cards.

Each Prompt will contain a Seed incident and some rule to Twist your writing, with the rules drawn from Brian Kiteley’s creative prompt book The 3AM Epiphany and elsewhere (but you don’t have to own the book.) Word limits may change from week to week and may be as little as 250 words, or as many as 1,000.

This Storium is not a critique group so much as an explore/discuss group. It’s suitable for members interested in flexing creative muscles, and exploring new ways to write. You can write more than one snippet or flash against the prompt if you want, or skip weeks when you are busy.

The only rules are that you have to write against the current Seed, use the Twist, stick to the word limit (i.e, no continuing a scene into another turn) and be respectful in any comments about other players’ writing.

All work and comments will be visible to the rest of Storium. Licensing is Creative Commons, which means that while your words are your own, other members may take your idea and make their own story out of it, if it inspires them.

Have fun!

Hosted and narrated by: Ruv Draba (Ruv_Draba)

Started 11/06/16. Scenes played: 28

License: Community License w/ Creative Commons